We also Provide Customized Training

Both On & Off Site!

"From Susie's presentation, I learned how having an efficient and well designed resume & cover letter can increase the effectiveness of landing my dream job. Susie's a fun and entertaining presenter and I had a great time listening and learning"       .....  Kevin

Training Programs Designed for Your Organization

At CareerNiche, we will take into account your company's unique situation, challenges and goals to tailor fit a program that will best work for your needs.

Career Transition Workshops

Your company can select from a variety of highly effect Career Transition Workshops that best fit your organizational needs.

  • Resume & Cover Letter Writing
  • Interview Techniques
  • Communications
  • Career Marketing Strategy
  • Negotiating Offers
  • Starting Your Own Business


Let's Connect Today to Support Your Organization for Tomorrow!
Management Preparation Training

Provide training and guidance for Management personnel who will be involved in the termination process with communication strategies.

  • Planning & Preparation
  • Individualized Script or Talking Points
  • Maintaining a Positive Image
  • After Support Talk, What's Next?
  • Motivation for Change
  • Preserving Company Reputation

We Stay On Top of Industry Trends in Today's Canadian Marketplace, in order to be the Key to Your Success!